Monday, September 19, 2011

Positive and Pointless observations of the day....

...You know you go to starbucks too much when they not ony know you on a first name basis, but they're also getting your coffee ready before you've finished ordering...

...I appreciate the kind  stranger who found my library book I accidentally left yesterday and returned it for me. Not only did it save me library fines, but it also allowed me to check it out again...

...What does it say when you're a professional artist and, yet, you're only on level *2* in a preschoolers drawing  book...

....The first time having traditional Viatamese coffee I've had yet...and might not ever have again  because I'm just too darn impatient to wait for it....but atleast it's an experience I won't forget....

....I find it interesting how fascinating bugs are when you're actually out  in the wild and thus on *their* turf instead of in the usual position of franticallly trying to chase them out of you're apartment....

....There was something oddly poetic about my 2 year old niece laughing and playing around on a huge old concrete tombstone in the graveyard park up the street from my building...or perhaps that's just me (and yes my city turns old graveyards into's a beautiful yet slightly odd city...)

...There are some great simple free joys in watching a pond full of ducks all bathing at the same time with much smile and laughter inducing diving, splashing and fluttering....

...when tempted to whine about life...look a the guy with the ragged jacket and shopping cart and remember, that that shopping cart holds his whole life and be happy you have a home, clothes, food and I'm sure the list can go on...

When in doubt, have a cup of optimisum

What positive, happy, funny or just plain interesting things did you observe today?

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