Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is it morning?...

The night Before...

Go to starbucks. Drink coffee while trying writing out feelings caused by the surprise visit from the out of town big sister....

...Decide I like how peaceful starbucks is at night and so get a refill of coffee and read....

.....Then wonder why I can't sleep...

....Try to sleep. Fail. Get up. Play a corny BRATZ ps2 game that I bought simply because it *was* stupid and corny....

...Try to sleep again. Fail agian...

...Flip on the computer. Work on this blog. Start to surf other blogs...

...Try to sleep....

....Bratz game goes back on....

...Nachos are eaten with the Gudda cheese that came in the gift bag given by the big sister...

...Pet screams for water. Is given water. Then petted, played with....

...Begin to think I should do something productive with not sleeeping...instead BRATZ game goes back on....

...Decide I don't like the other games that game with the PS2 the brother gave me so gather them up to trade in at the store on quadra....first check online to see how much the games are worth....find out the collectors final fantasy XII it *$184* on amazon...put that one back with no thoughts of trading  it in....

....Try to sleep again...the pet decided she liked the attention and wants more...an excuse to get up and not sleep...

....finally, sleep... just in time for the alarm to go off.....

....Head to Starbucks and start the cycle over again....


  1. Oh the lack of a good night's sleep interferes with our minds and bodies the next day. I used to be able to get by with so little sleep but now I'm walking dead if I don't get at least 6 or more hours. Give your little Guinea Pig a little hug from me.

  2. I'm having one of those sleepless nights. Good to see you.
